ECo Global's Journey to Wellness

Print16 August, 2023


ECo Global Consulting's Wellness program was initially a response to the global pandemic that shut people indoors and induced a stressful, sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle. Concerned about our teams' physical and mental wellbeing, the company-initiated programs to motivate everyone to move and become physically active, through walking, Pilates and other exercises, and promoted healthy eating. But this was only the beginning.

In the last three years, recognizing that health is everyone's most valuable asset, ECo has committed to nurturing and enriching holistic well-being through its Wellness Programs. Our Wellness Programs are designed to nourish each individual's well-being-- mind, body and soul. We encourage physical fitness through a series of weekly sessions of Pilates and yoga, and invite professional speakers to educate the team on nutrition, sleep habits, self care, self awareness, time and stress management. The whole team is equipped for the fitness journey as they are provided yoga mats, workout outfits and a personal fitness tracker as part of our new joiner’s onboarding kit. Going one step beyond, ECo promotes financial wellness through a series of investment talks, and strengthens a sense of community as we embark on environmental awareness and Corporate Social Responsibility programs.

Our Wellness Programs coincide with ECo's belief that “People come first, the rest will follow.” Our goal is to spark positive change in our team's overall health, embed good habits and sustain a healthy lifestyle, which benefits our families, our customers and ultimately, the Company.