
What is SurePass?


SurePass is ECo’s test automation software. It is a full automation platform that connects all the components of the testing process from creation to execution and analysis.



Key Features






Uses application metadata to execute the automated tests based on test plan. Allows creation of automated tests without any line of code. Automated test scripts are reusable across all test plans and applications. Works with web, android mobile, and green screen applications. Can handle automated test of a single use case through different applications on different platforms.



Why SurePass?


  1. Leverage Test Automation

    If you can automate something you perform repeatedly, you probably should do it; more so, if you are into continuous testing. The right automated testing tool can help you deploy better applications.


  2. Leverage Codeless Automation

    Empower your testers to create automated tests without a single line of code. This capability also gives you another leverage: the reusability of these automated test scripts in different scenarios.


  3. Leverage Distributed and Remote Testing

    Enable your testers to perform simultaneous testing on multiple applications in different environments. All the testers need to do is just run the automated tests. Moreover, these testers performing simultaneous testing can be any where, not confined in a one place.